


Online Training

Online Training or e-learning, covers all tools for courses to live events via internet. Your clients, distributors, and potential customers can benefit from pre-recorded and real-time interactive information. We advise you on the extent of your needs, from recommending technology platforms, development of themes and material, as in the process of delivering and monitoring these events.

Presential Training

Constant updating and training is achieved through proactive participation in seminars, conferences, seminars, courses and workshops. In De Sousa Consulting we have an academic currrícula and quite spacious, flexible and updated research that allows us to offer courses and workshops to meet your needs and organize events that is of particular importance to you and your business.

Coaching and Leadership

The traditional concept of leadership, which for many years was associated with the military, has been transformed. It is no longer a person with high rank, who commands, coordinates and controls; but someone who radiates and inspires others. In the business environment and is known for coaching staff to the process by which the coach or trainer and the person or group involved in the process seeking the most effective way to achieve the objectives using their own resources and abilities. Its techniques may include motivational talks, seminars, workshops and supervised practice.