

Organizational Analysis

Our SME services are based in the identification, analysis and segregation of functions for a correct structure, which plays a critical role in the planned growth at the organizational level as the basis for creating a sustainable business development model, always minding a vision of accelerated growth.

Process Engineering

The SME process reengineering focuses on the design, creation and documentation of processes based on analysis of current business processes as visions short, medium and long term. Since the requirements of each stage specific to SMEs are consistent and based on evolutionary requirements of the changing market policies.

Market Research

The behavior analysis of consumers and competition are fundamental to establish your brand, identify consumer needs, exploit their competitive advantage and successfully establish their production policies, human resources, cost, technology, pricing and distribution, among others, maintaining your company to the forefront.

Financial and Invesment Analysis

Financial analysis of SME investment is typically situational process which is based on scenarios, as the company moves forward, supporting the improvement of their financial capacity by analytical tools that allow the analysis and control of operations by eliminating uncertainty and taking corrective actions.

Risk Management

Risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks as the effect of uncertainty on objectives, followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities, like contingency plans and Insurance.